Thursday, April 8, 2010

The beginning of a book worm (I hope)

Growing up my mom read to us every night before bed. The three of us would normally take turns choosing the book to read. I sat in and listened long after the need for a bedtime story was there because I love reading, and the sound of someone reading aloud is something I love. Plus, the sound of my mom's voice reading to me before bed was just something I was so used to that I knew I'd miss it when she stopped reading to the younger two.

For awhile last year I was able to read to Caitlyn before bed. We'd go through a few stories, and practice her bible verse for Sunday school, and her verse and lines for the Christmas play. There was just a few, but reading a short story between each practice was exciting to her. However, the circumstances in the house at the time messed with our routine and made things more difficult. Especially since someone would complain that I would read to her with the door open to my bedroom.

We've started this again. And I love it just as much as she does. It's the end of the day routine for us now, she picks out one or two books to read, and if I have her verse for that month, we'll rehearse it. If not, we just continue with the stories. Right now I'm working my way through The Lamb by John Cross. It's the child version of The Lamb on the Road to Emmaus, which explains God's plan from creation to Christ. I love the version for kids, though the picture of the sacrificed lamb was a bit much, I understand its need and she took it in stride so it was okay after all. The book is separated into chapters, each of which have questions, usually one word, simple answer ones. Each question repeating most of the previous question, easy for kids to answer. And it is amazing to hear her grasp things and be able to repeat answers and be excited about having them right.

I'm hoping that after this, she'll love reading as much as I do. I remember when I started to read I worked my way through all our childhood books quickly, I was a regular at the local library, the school library, and when I was finally able to use the high school library I was ecstatic. I still love to read. I have boxes, totes, bookshelves and even a dresser filled with them. Most of which I've read numerous times. If I keep it, I will read it over and over and over again.

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