Monday, March 22, 2010

New Beginnings

There are a lot of things that I'd like to change about myself (don't we all want to change a few things?) and I'm getting on the right track.

First of all. I'm a huge pack rat. I can always find a reason to keep something. I store it in a box with other things that I have a very good reason for keeping also, and put it into the closet. Organized. Surprisingly, my closets are VERY well organized. I just don't know what's in them exactly. (Other than oodles and oodles of yarn, that is...) But I do know, that I had a good reason for keeping said item. Just don't ask me what it is when the box is taken out and gone through later on. Because honestly. I got nothing.

Two moves in the past year have forced me to shed myself of much unneeded clutter. So now, I'm into a one bedroom apartment, with much storage space that is quite organized (again, don't ask me what all is in said boxes.)

In the rest of my house, I'm known for not being that organized. I've always held the "It lays out so I know where it is when I need it" attitude. Which of course, I do not know exactly where it is. I can narrow it down to an area, but exactly? Nope. I've gotten quite a bit better from living with the Anal-Retentive-Control-Freak who shall not be named. Now it bothers me to have a lot of things just sitting out. So I'm actually a lot more organized in that area of my life as well. And getting better since I've started settling into this place.

So I've conquered my ignorance of cleaning. Even my car is cleaned on average of once a month (vacuumed etc.) Now onto other hurdles!

Starting with....dum dum dum. Weight (whatelse?) I know what has pushed me to this. A combination of factors, bad diet, no planning, I don't eat a lot, but I drink a LOT of my calories. I don't eat breakfast, but eat before I go to bed quite a bit. I don't exercise nearly enough. And so...I've talked to friends. Kristin, who lives 2 hours from me will be my phone buddy since we both have struggled with weight most of our lives. She lost quite a bit right after high school but gained about 2/3 of it back through the past 3 or so years through the same things I did. Combined with a lot of partying in the beginning. So right now, she's not that near to her original weight, but she's not at a place that she finds comfortable either. And she will be my phone buddy because we aren't ashamed of saying what we did during the day. Struggles, successes, foods we ate etc. Also, we can't lie to each other.

The friend that lives closer, Becky, would be able to work out with me on an odd schedule when she doesn't have her two kids. SO I have two people to keep me accountable this time around.

It's very nice outside so Caitlyn and I will be spending a lot more time outside, which is great. Just running around with her and going for walks while she's on her bike will be great for both of us this spring, summer, and fall. I can't wait! She loves her bike and I love that she's FINALLY figured out peddling.

So expect periodic updates here about how things are going.

Because hell, if I can get my clutter and cleaning under control, my weight issue might as well give up without a fight. Just ask my mother and the 1239093248320 fights we had while I was living at home to clean my room. She'll tell you.

1 comment:

gardenofsimple said...

gawd, we're the same. I've been fighting the clutter for a while. I'm a pack rat too - and I just like things. I've been working on it. Same with the weight. It's been over 6 years since I've had Colin, and I've only lost 40 of the 80 I gained. I eat too much at night and I drink too much wine. :/